Please read conference director Joshua DeSilva's personal invitation to Grex members:
Dear GREX members,
It has been such a labor of love to develop an upcoming group relations conference at CSUDH with the theme "Queering Leadership: Exploring Gender Expansiveness in Organizational Life." GREX's sponsorship has been crucial to our early success getting the conference up and running. I am excited to now invite you to consider joining us as a member of the conference April 11-13, 2025. This conference is perfect for anyone wanting to explore the various ways in which gender shows up at work. Although queer leadership is one focus of study for the weekend, all are welcome to attend regardless of how they identify.
Conference details including staff, schedule, methodology, and recommended readings can be found here:
Registration details are available at this link:
I'd like to personally ask that in addition to considering joining yourself as a member that you please distribute this information to anyone you think might find the conference engaging. Generous scholarships are available and group rates can be explored. We are hoping to have a robust membership to explore this important conference theme.
Thanks for all of your support of and passion for group relations work,
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